

         December’s Vibe I have to admit the struggle is real for me. I am missing my kids, I’m missing hugs, and in person get togethers, connections that seem far away at the moment and many, many other things as we ALL are. Some days it is harder to chase that positivity […]



      November  Ahhhh the month with the holiday we skip right over to rush to Christmas…that would be Thanksgiving. And it happens to be my favorite holiday – Giving Thanks – What a wonderful concept.  A time to all get together and eat good food, reminisce about the past, bask in the now […]



The rich beauty of the season is all around us…   I’m not sure if it’s life’s circumstances this year or me just getting older, but I’m definitely more in tune with all of my senses this fall season. I have a stronger appreciation for the deep rich maroon mums as I walk in my […]



  Fall in love with fall……          The season of change and letting go…the trees do it every autumn, they release the old leaves to be bare and free for just awhile before they grow and flourish with new greens for a new season. We too must trust that letting go and […]